Monday, July 30, 2007

Western Benefits Conference - San Francisco

Last week the joint conference of ASPPA and the Western Pension Benefits Conference took place in San Francisco. I arrived late on Sunday, so I missed the events on Sunday. But I jumped right in on Monday. The usual IRS and DOL Q&A sessions were held, along with sessions on various topics througout the day, more of which I'll write about later.

One of the highlights of he three days was the entertainment during lunch on Tuesday. Will Durst, the political comedian, did about 45 minutes of stand-up for the crowd. With an "equal opportunity" abundance of comments about both the left and right, he was genuinely funny...even when the power to the hotel went out during his routine (coincidentally, a split second after saying "empowered").

This year's conference seemed to have a big draw, though the ASPPA conference in Washington DC in October will sure to be bigger...

Once I've digested some of the information I gathered, I'll post some of the more significant issues...

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