Friday, April 3, 2009

Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up

Well I don't know WHY I am surprised...our local government does not seem to be in the mind-set of HELPING businesses in this state it seems. So it really should be of no surprise that, once again, a bill is being proposed for the State-Sponsored 401(k) Plan for small companies.

But wait...didn't this issue JUST come up last month?! And didn't the Commerce Committee agree it should not be pursued?


This time it is being reintroduced by Senate President Pro Tempore Donald E. Williams as SB No 1, labeled fashionably: AN ACT CONCERNING ECONOMIC SECURITY FOR CONNECTICUT FAMILIES.

So...once again our fine state wants to compete with local industry. And as the financial industry is a large part of the state, what this bill is saying to others is: "Hey, the Connecticut Government doesn't have any faith in the services the institutional providers in our state offer, and we think we can do it better ourselves." Great way to instill confidence in others, don't you think?! Let's tell the rest of the country that one of our largest exports in Connecticut, the financial services industry, doesn't even have the SUPPORT of the state legislature! Great idea...

If you want to follow the latest status of the bill, click on the title of this will take you to the state's site...

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